Barnardo 2 Crossword

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The clues are given in the order in which the words appear in the story. When you write in the answers you will see that the numbers run clockwise up to 9 with 10, 11,12 nearer the middle.

8 down Barnardo went to a Missionary Conference where most people were talking about helping in China and _________

6 across But Barnardo made a speech that said that there were children in Britain who did not have a _______ to live in.

 9 down And they did not have enough to _______

13 across The speech was written about in the _________ newspaper.

2 across Lord __________ read about it.

7 across He invited Barnardo to come for _________

12 down He said he would give Barnardo some _________ to build a home for the children

11 across At first the home had only boys but one day a girl called _______ asked if she could come in.


 3down She had no _______ on her feet.

4 across Girls were taught how to look after a home so they might get a job in a _______

5 across Boys learned a trade and sometimes a boy might become an _________

10 down For example they might learn to be a ____________

1 down When a child arrived he would have his __________ taken.

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