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Some topics come with puzzles and there are slides and commentaries that you can download

instructions.rtf instructions.rtf
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Type : rtf

If you want to download a copy of the instructions click the file on the left.

Click to go to topic that you are interested in

 Joseph, the husband of Mary

Mary, Jesus' mother

 Psalm 25

The Parable of the Prodigal Son page 1     page 2 (puzzles and slides)

The Parable of the Lost Sheep

The Parable of the Great Feast

 "The Good Samaritan."

The instructions are also written here.

Do not click anything else until you reach the link to the lesson at the bottom of the page. The rest of the page simply shows you what you should see.

You then need to go to the lesson that you are interested in. There is a link to this week's lesson at the bottom of the page.

When you have arrived on the lesson page you will need to  click the files to download the commentary and the puzzle if there is one.


Next you will need to click the link to the slides on the freebibleimages website.

It should look something like the picture below.

Click the powerpoint icon this takes you to a page of download rules. 

When you have read them click "I agree" in the bottom left hand corner and the slideshow should download. 

At this point you will have downloaded all the files you need so you may close your browser and go offline if you wish.

Arranging the files

Now go to your downloads folder. Click the powerpoint icon.( It has a capital P in a circle which overlaps the side of a square).

You will see one of the slides of the slideshow. 

Now arrange this so that it is on the left and takes up about half the width of the page.

Now return to your downloads file and open the commentary file. Arrange it to be alongside the slideshow picture.

The picture and the commentary should fill the full width of the page. It is important that the arrows at the bottom of the picture can be seen. You click these to change slide. Notice that the slide number can also be seen.

You also need to see the scroll bar on the right of the commentary file.

As you change slides scroll down to the appropriate number on the commentary.

When you have completed this you may go back to the downloads folder and open the puzzle file or anything else which might be available.

Click this link to go to the Lesson Page that you are interested in:

 The Good Samaritan 

The Parable of the Great Feast

 The Parable of the Lost Sheep

You can click the headings on  the brown bar at the top of the page or the black bar at the bottom to go to the index or any topic.

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