Gladys Aylward 5 Crossword

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     Crossword blank grid                                                                                                                       Clues

1 down: One day Gladys saw an old woman with a little ________


2 across: They were _________


3 down: She gave the woman __________ . She took the girl awya to look after her and called her ____


2 down: Later the girl brought a _______to Gladys.


4 across: His father and mother had both ___________.


5across: The boy also came to live with Gladys. She called him ________


6 across: More and more children came to Gladys until she had _______ staying with her.

7down: They all stayed with her in the ________

8 across: Gladys sas short of money so she wore ________ clothes which were less expensive.

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You can click the titles in the brown bar above or the black bar below to go to the "Gladys Aylward contents "page, "index", " or any other topic. "General Contents" are now on the "Index" page

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