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Mary Slessor 1 Puzzle answers

In this puzzle the clues and answers are grouped.   The dashes show how many letters go in the answer.   The coloured dash has the same letter for every answer in the group .  Click to see an example.

1.The missionary in this story is called Mary Slessor. She was a missionary to A frica

2. Mary and her mother went to Church

3. Mary had a brother called Robert who became a missionary and went to New Zealand

4.Mary's father worked as a shoemaker_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.     He spent too much money on drink

5. Often he was not able to work so he was given the sack.

6. The whole family moved to Dundee.

7 Mary went to work in the  mills. For part of the day she went to a s pecial school to  learn about weaving.

8. When Mary' s father was drunk  he would often be angry with everyone in the family.

9. When things were bad Mary often prayed to God and asked Him to be with her.

10 When they were short of money Mary would take a parcel to the pawn shop.

11. Mary tried not to let anyone see her baecause many people thought it was disgraceful

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