Paul 16 

You can click one of the titles in the brown bar at the top of the page or the black bar at the bottom of the page to go to the index (with contents) or to any of the topics. The Story of St Paul is in the book of acts.

Click ACTS on the brown bar. There you will find an index to all the pages about Paul  

 Go back to page 15     Pictures on this page are from the Biblepicturegallery 

 Click the titles on the brown bar at the top of the page or the black bar at the bottom of the page to navigate to index (with contents) or topic that interests you. The Paul story starts from "Saints missionaries, martyrs."  Contents are now on the index page.

Click Sound Page to hear the story read.


 The Picture above shows the Apian way.

The ship took Paul and the others to Rome. Paul was brought into the city along the Apian way.  There is a picture of this on the left.

 There were already Christians in Rome and they came out to meet him. 

In Rome, Paul was allowed to live by himself. One Roman soldier stayed with him as a guard. Paul was allowed to have visitors. He invited the Jews in Rome to come and see him and he told them about Jesus. Some of them became Christians.

Paul stayed there for 2 years and welcomed all those who came to see him. He talked to them about Jesus and about God.

During this time Paul wrote many letters. One of these was written to the Christians of Rome but he wrote letters to other Christians too. These letters are in our Bible.

We do not know what happened to Paul in the end because the Bible does not tell us. Many people believe that Paul was put to death by the Romans.

In one of Paul's letters he says that he does not know if he will be killed or set free. He says that he knows that if he is killed he will be with Jesus in heaven. 


 This is a photograph of the mamertine prison in Rome. Some people believe that Paul was put in here before he was put to death.

There is a hole in the roof. In the time of Paul the prisoners were dropped in through the hole and there was no other way in or out.


Paul16 crossword

You can click one of the titles in the brown bar at the top of the page or the black bar at the bottom of the page to go to the index (with contents) or to any of the topics. The Story of St Paul is in the book of acts.

Click ACTS on the brown bar. There you will find an index to all the pages about Paul


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