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   Sermon on the mount (part 2) 



 Matthew 5 v 13 You are the salt of the world. And if salt becomes tasteless, how can it be made to taste salty again? It is of no use and will be thrown out.

We need salt to make things tasty. We may sprinkle it on meat or on tomatoes and we even need a little of it to make bread. These things do not taste so good without salt. 

Jesus says we should be like salt and help to make things better whenever we can.

Matthew 5 v14-16

Jesus also said, "You are the light of the world. When a lamp is lit it is not put under a tub but on a lamp stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house."

In the picture on the left you can see the kind of lamp they used in the time of Jesus. It would probably have burned vegetable oil. You see that it has been raised up on a long stand so the light can shine out.  On the right is an electric lamp with the bulb and its holder on a long stand.

  Oil lamp used in Jesus' time                                                                                                          Electric lamp

The next 2 pictures show you a room. In the first picture it is dark but in the second picture the candles have been lit and the room looks bright and cheery.

Jesus says we must be like light and make things look better and be better. 

             Room in the dark                                                             Room with candles lit

 This picture shows a lighthouse. The light helps the sailors to know where they are and which way they should go.

  In some ways Jesus is like a lighthouse showing people which way to go and how to live their lives.

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