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By seven o'clock the family were sitting waiting for Squire Carter. "I don't like this," said Andy ." I have heard that Squire Carter is a hard man and I am sure he is doing this in the hope of making a lot of money for himself."

"It is no good worrying about why he is doing it," said Mr Grant. "The important thing is that if he will lend us the money we will be able to keep the farm. Otherwise we will have to sell the farm and we will have no way of making a living."

About seven o'clock Squire Carter made his appearance. Andy opened the
door for him.

He was looking very important because he knew that he was the richest man in the town.

"Good-evening, Andrew," he said, "So you are home from school?"

"Yes, sir."

"When did you come?"

"This afternoon, sir."

"I suppose you heard of your father's misfortune?"

"Yes, sir."

"Ha! It is very sad--very sad, indeed. I quite feel for your father. I
am trying to help him out of his trouble. He was a very foolish man to
risk so much on that rascal, Lawrence."

Andy felt that the squire was right, but he did not like to hear
his father blamed.

"I think he realizes that he was unwise, Squire Carter," said Andy.
"Won't you walk in?"

"I suppose your father is at home?" said the squire, as he stepped into
the front entry.

"Yes, sir; he was expecting you."

Andy opened the door of the sitting room, and the squire entered. Mr.
Grant rose from the rocking-chair in which he was seated and welcomed
his visitor.

"I am glad to see you, squire," he said. "Take a seat by the fire."

"Thank you," said the squire, with dignity. "I came, as I said I would.
I do not desert an old neighbour because he has been unfortunate."

The words seemed kind but Andy felt that he said them in a way which really meant "See how kind-hearted I am."

He felt very sorry that his father had to go for help to someone like this

"It is getting quite cold," said the squire, rubbing his hands. "I suppose I am not used to being in a cold house because I have central heating in MY house
Mrs Grant put another shovel full of coal on the fire. "I hope this will make you feel more comfortable,"she said.

It's all right. I am not used to being cold but I can put up with it when I have to," said Squire Carter.

Andrew felt very angry because Squire Carter was really telling them that they were poor and he was rich.

"I see you have sent for Andrew," said the squire.

"Yes; I shall not be able to keep him at Penhurst Academy any longer."

"Very sensible decision of yours. No doubt it cost you a pretty penny to
keep him there?"

"The school charge is three hundred dollars a year."

"Bless my soul! How extravagant! You will excuse my saying so, but I
think you have been very unwise. It really seems like a wasteful use of

"Don't you believe in education, squire?" asked Mrs. Grant.

"Yes; but why couldn't he get all the education he needs here?"

"Because there is no one here who teaches Latin and Greek."

"And what good would Latin and Greek do him? I don't know anything of
Latin and Greek, and yet I flatter myself I have made myself rich and everyone knows that I am important."

That is true," said Mr Grant but Andy studied languages because he wants to go to college.

"I shall not send my son to college, though, of course, I can afford

"Perhaps he doesn't care to go."

"No my boy is sensible. He will be happy to take over from me. Supposing your boy had gone to college, how would that have helped him?"

"He thought he would have liked to be for a teacher."

"A teacher does not make very much money Mr Grant.  A schoolmate of mine became a
teacher at an academy and he has very little money."

"Money isn't everything, squire."

"When you haven't enough of it you understand how important it is." said Squire Carter. "That's why you are asking me to lend you some, isn't it? Now let me see what I can do for you."

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