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Moses puzzle 1

Fill in the missing words. Some of the missing letters are replaced by numbers. Each number stands for the same letter in all the missing words.

-1---- and his father and --1-----  went to live in the land of Egypt. 

Their family grew in numbers and they became a nation called the 2------. By that time Egypt had a new

 -2----2 who did not like them.

He made them work as 3-----3.

He gave orders that all the 4-4-     4--- should be thrown into the River Nile.

Moses'  -1----  placed him in a 4-3--- in the tall grass at the edge of the river. Moses 3-3--- kept watch.

Pharaoh's ----2--- found him. She adopted him as her own -1-.

When Moses grew up he 5------ an Egyptian who had 5----- a Hebrew.

He ran away to the land of Midian where he helped the ----2---of a man called ---2--  to water their 3----.

He lived with them and married a woman called ----1--2.

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