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Gladys Aylward Crossword 1 

1 Across: Gladys Aylward worked as a ______ for some rich people.

2 Down: One day Gladys Aylward was reading a _________

3 Down: She was reading about the people in the country of ________


4 Down: It said that they did not know about _________

2 Across: Gladys decided to become a __________

5 Across: She went to a special _______ to learn to do this.

6 Down: She passed an _____________ but they would not send her to China

7 Across: She wrote to a missionary called ______ ______ who said she could come and help.

8 Across: Gladys did not have the money to pay her ___________

9 Across: It was very expensive to travel by _______ to China.

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