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Mary Slessor 4 puzzle

In this puzzle the clues and answers are grouped. The dashes show how many letters go in the answer. The coloured dash has the same letter for every answer in the group . Click to see an example.


1. In 1876 Mary Slessor  _ _ _ _ _ _ for Calabar in Africa. She went on board _ _ _ _ on 5th August.

2.She arrived on _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ 11th so it took her more than 5 _ _ _ _ _ to get there!

3.The people in Calabar were not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ but they believed in  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

4.Whenever anything _ _ _ happened they thought it was caused by black _ _ _ _ _ .

5. If a _ _ _ _ _ died they would  _ _ _ _ several people.

6.If  _ _ _ _ _  were born the people thought some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ had caused this.

7.If someone was _ _ _ the people thought that this was caused by  an _ _ _ _ spirit.

If people thought that someone had committed a _ _ _ _ _ he might be given _ _ _ _ _ _ to drink.

8.Mary wanted to  _ _ _ _ the people of Calabar that Jesus  _ _ _ _ _ them.

There was one important Christian man, called King _ _ _ who started writing to

Mary's  _ _ _ _ _ _.


9. If Mary met someone whose child had _ _ _ _ she would tell them that Jesus said that they would go on living in  _ _ _ _ _ _ .

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