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Jonah Part 2 

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Jonah now set out to do what God had asked him. He went to Nineveh.

" Well, here I am ," he thought. "Now I must go inside and tell the people to stop being bad. I will tell them that God is very angry with them and that he will overthrow Nineveh in forty days."


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Now listen carefully.  God is very angry with you because you have been very bad. You have been fighting, stealing from each other and doing a lot of other bad things. God will overthrow Nineveh in forty days.





This is dreadful. God says he will destroy Nineveh in forty days. I am the king and I must try and stop this from happening. We really need to stop ndoing bad things and to repent.  I will take off my robes and wear sack cloth to show how sorry I am.





I will fast and not eat anything for a long time. I will tell the people of Nineveh to do the same thing. Perhaps God will see we are sorry and he will not destroy Nineveh. 




Now I have waited and waited and waited and nothing at all has happened to Nineveh. I might have known. God is always forgiving people. He's going to let them get away with this. What are they going to think of me. God, please let me die.


God said,"Are you really so angry, Jonah?"




 I feel very tired and very hot.  I think I will go out of the city and have a rest.

I will put up a screen to give me some shade. If I  just drag these tree branches over here they should form a screen. 

Well, it does help a bit but I am still very hot. I do not know how I can get out of this sun.





 Now this is very strange. This plant has grown up very quickly. Its leaves are very good at sheltering me from the sun. Now I think I can have a lovely sleep.




 But that night God sent a worm to destroy the plant.

 Munch, munch, munch, munch.



The plant died. 



 I have just had a lovely sleep but what has happened to the plant? It has died and the sun is beating down on me and even the wind has turned hot, I feel faint. Oh God, please let me die.

God said,"Are you angry Jonah?"


Jonah said,"Very  very angry!"

God said, You are sorry for that plant. You did not grow it but it  grew up in a night and died in a night.  Now don't you think if feel sorry for all the people in Nineveh.  They have repented and I am going to forgive them. 

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