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Click the titles on the brown bar at the top of the page to navigate to a topic that interests you.The Story of Paul is in the book of Acts. Click ACTS on the brown bar. There you will find an index to the pages about Paul.

Paul 5


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At this time the followers of Jesus were being persecuted in Jerusalem. Many of them had fled to other places where it was safer. Some of them went to Antioch.


They told the people of Antioch about Jesus and many of the people of Antioch became followers of Jesus too. Barnabas went there to help and he was very pleased about how many people were becoming Jesus's followers. He went to Tarsus to look for Saul. When he had found him he brought him to Antioch. Saul and Barnabas lived there for two years.

The people of Antioch got a new name for the followers of Jesus. They called them "Christians". This was the first time the word "Christians" was used.

 One day, as they were worshiping God, God's Holy Spirit made them understand that Barnabas

and Paul should leave them and go and tell people in other places about Jesus. The people of Antioch prayed to God for Paul and Barnabas and then the two of them left.

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Click the titles on the black bar below  to navigate to a topic that interests you.The Story of Paul is in the book of Acts. Click ACTS on the black bar. There you will find an index to the pages about Paul.


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